Wednesday, November 5, 2008

VOTE 2008..

yesterday was so exciting to see the end to this very long and controversial election. we went as a family last night to our middle school's library to cast our ballot. alayna also got to experience this very historic part in our nation's history! she took part in a Kid's Vote and was able to fill out a real ballot and place it in a box to be counted. it was so cute and made me happy that she was learning and in a way partaking in our country's democracy. (and believe me, if i'd have know about it ahead of time i would have brought my camera!) she also got a coupon for free pizza for voting!...wish i got one for voting! lol

so when she got up this morning i was watching the news which was talking about the new elect-president.
i said, "look alayna, we voted last night for a new president and Obama won!"
she then says,"you mean i didn't win?!"

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