Thursday, June 26, 2008

vacaing in north carolina....

we are in the beautiful north carolina, staying at the beach! we will back by sunday, the 29th. i will return all calls and emails by monday. i am having a fun and relaxing time with my family. it's great because this is the first year alayna has not been afraid of the water. she's been running and playing in it, whitney is a different story still!

elisa marie

Monday, June 16, 2008

my grandmother...

my girls love going to visit their great-grandma! so i think we'll stop in for a visit today. here are a few pics i snapped of them on our last visit.

elisa marie

Thursday, June 12, 2008

my little orange chair...

here is just a few more pics i did of my sweet little nephew. these are the first i've done in my new little orange chair, that i just LOVE! a little story behind this: i have been in search of an orange chair for a while now and decide to go to this huge yardsale they had going on, that spanded along a highway from one city to another. yeah, it was huge! anyway, i thought maybe i'll find something there. i drove and stopped, drove and stopped, until i finally just said out loud as i was in the car, "Lord, i just want a chair." you know, in that whiney type of voice that kids use when they want something from their parents! but, as soon as i said that, i looked over to the right and low and behold, an orange chair! so, of course i quickly pull in and walked straight up to it to look at the price....and you won't believe this...but they wanted nothing but a dollar! thank you Lord, He knows and takes care of even the smallest things in our lives....even when we may ask in a whiney voice! it needed a little scrub, but it's oh so cute!

elisa marie

Saturday, June 7, 2008

happy birthday to me...

as much as i hate to admit's my birthday. just not to anxious for what's now around the corner...the big 3-0! so i'm 29 today and glad i have one more year of my twenties left! i'll leave you with a few cutesy pics of my nephew, who will be the big 1 this month....still a little whipper-snapper!

elisa marie

Monday, June 2, 2008

6 years and punky...

this is a 6 year old boy, max - love that name!, i photographed around town. a little quite, but seemed very intelligent for his age. we had a great time and i finally got to try out the graffiti train...which was pretty cool!

elisa marie